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Sspx houston

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It is what they call ‘Eucharistic hospitality.’ These are Protestants who remain Protestant and do not convert! This is directly opposed to the Faith!” (Conference at Turin, Italy March 24, 1984).

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It is consequently very grave…you know that the New Code of Canon Law  permits a priest to give Communion to a Protestant. What, then, happens to the clergy?…It is consequently easy to understand that this is the ruin of the priesthood and the laicization of the Church!…This is precisely what Luther and the Protestants did, laicizing the priesthood. “However, when one reads this New Code of Canon Law one discovers an entirely new concept of the Church…This is the definition of the Church (New Code canon 204): ‘The faithful are those who, inasmuch as they are incorporated into Christ by baptism are constituted as the people of God, and who for this reason, having been made partakers in their manner in the priestly, prophetic and royal functions of Christ, are called to exercise the mission that God entrusted to the Church to accomplish in the world.’…There is no longer any clergy.

Sspx houston