Gostin is also a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Fellow of the Hastings Center. He has chaired National Academy Committees on national preparedness for mass disasters, health informational privacy, public health genomics, and human subject research on prisoners. Gostin chaired the National Academy’s Committee on Global Solutions to Falsified, Substandard, and Counterfeit Medicines. He currently serves on the National Academies of Sciences Engineering, and Medicine, Board on Global Health. He has served on the National Academy’s Board on Health Sciences Policy, the Board on Population Health, the Human Subjects Review Board, and the Committee on Science, Technology, and Law. Gostin is an elected lifetime Member of the National Academy of Medicine/National Academy of Sciences. In 2021, The Faculty of Public Health (United Kingdom) elected Prof. In 2012, the Chancellor of the University of Sydney – on the nomination of the Deans of the Law and Medical Schools – conferred a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa), presided by two Justices of Australia’s highest court-Justices Kirby and Haydon.

Gostin as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health (FRSPH). In 2007, the Royal Institute of Public Health (United Kingdom) appointed Prof. In 2006, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Vice Chancellor awarded Cardiff University’s (Wales) highest honor, an Honorary Fellow. In 1994, the Chancellor of the State University of New York conferred an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree. He was formally the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. He was also Founding Editor-in-Chief of Laws (an international open access law journal). He is the Legal and Global Health Correspondent for the Journal of the American Medical Association. Gostin holds editorial appointments in leading academic journals throughout the world. Gostin served on the Governing Board of Directors of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Gostin holds multiple international academic professorial appointments, including at Oxford University, the University of Witwatersrand (South Africa), and Melbourne University. Gostin also served on the drafting team for the G-7 Summit in Tokyo 2016, focusing on global health security and Universal Health Coverage. He was also senior advisor to the United Nations Secretary General’s post-Ebola Commission. He served on two global commissions to report on the lessons learned from the 2015 West Africa Ebola epidemic. He currently works closely with the Biden administration and global institutions like WHO, the World Bank, and Gavi on the COVID-19 response. Professor Gostin has been at the center of public policy and law through multiple epidemics from AIDS and SARS, to Ebola, MERS, and Zika. He co-chaired the Lancet Commission on Global Health Law. He served on the WHO/Global Fund Blue Ribbon Expert Panel: The Equitable Access Initiative to develop a global health equity framework. He served on the Director-General’s Advisory Committee on Reforming the World Health Organization, as well as numerous WHO expert advisory committees, including on the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework, smallpox, genomic sequencing data, migrant health, and NCD prevention. Gostin to high-level positions, including the International Health Regulations (IHR) Roster of Experts and the Expert Advisory Panel on Mental Health. The WHO Director-General has appointed Prof. Gostin is the Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law. He is Professor of Medicine at Georgetown University and Professor of Public Health at the Johns Hopkins University. He served as Associate Dean for Research at Georgetown Law from 2004 to 2008. Gostin directs the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law and is the Founding O’Neill Chair in Global Health Law. Gostin is University Professor, Georgetown University’s highest academic rank conferred by the University President.